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 Cloud Storage

Transform your digital ecosystem with a single click—our solution elegantly merges with Filecoins decentralized network and ecosystem, transcending traditional file storage to become a portal for securely anchoring your data on-chain.

  • Engineered for Enhanced Security and Decentralization
    Utilizes Filecoin’s robust decentralized storage network for backend operations, fortifying data protection and autonomy.

  • Optimized for Cost Efficiency
    Harnessing Filecoin’s advanced storage capabilities, our platform facilitates the management and distribution of extensive data volumes at reduced expenses.

  • Designed for Unmatched Data Availability and Dependability
    Our system elevates data safeguarding and guarantees persistent access by dispersing information across numerous Filecoin nodes, ensuring data is always within reach.

 at a glance:

Drag & Drop

The drag-and-drop functionality is an elegant solution that enhances the user experience by providing a simple and efficient way to upload files or folders. Instead of navigating through file directories using traditional file selection dialogs, users can select files or entire folders from their computer and physically drag them onto the web application window. The area where files can be dropped is clearly marked.

Users can also initiate standard operations like starting, pausing, or clearing uploads, which gives them control over the upload process. Additionally, the interface provides a transaction history and status update, as seen at the bottom of the window, where an uploaded file is listed with a timestamp.

This drag-and-drop feature not only streamlines the process of uploading files but also aligns with the increasing demand for more dynamic and responsive web applications, providing a user-friendly approach to managing digital assets in the cloud.

Further enhancing the user experience, the interface thoughtfully provides a real-time transaction history and status updates. This feature is visible at the bottom of the window, where each uploaded file is enumerated with a timestamp and, if applicable, a signed hash. This not only serves as a confirmation of the successful upload but also acts as a ledger, providing users with a reliable record of their activity, which can be crucial for tracking changes, maintaining version control, and enhancing accountability.

In addition to these user-centric design features, Decentrally provides a visual demonstration for those interested in experiencing this functionality firsthand. A video available at the bottom of the platform’s webpage walks potential users through the drag-and-drop process. This tutorial is a testament to Decentrally’s commitment to accessibility and ease of use, demonstrating the platform’s capabilities in real-time scenarios. It ensures that even those new to cloud-based solutions can quickly become adept at using the tool, making Decentrally a potent addition to any enterprise’s cloud storage arsenal.

Filecoin Proofs

Highlighting here is an innovative feature of the platform that emphasizes transparency and security in file storage using blockchain technology. Each file on the platform comes with an accessible layer of metadata that provides users with daily proof of their file’s integrity and existence on the Filecoin blockchain.

This metadata includes a Filecoin Proof, a critical component that acts as evidence of the file’s secure storage on the decentralized network. The proof is a signed hash, a unique identifier that can be verified for authenticity. For added user convenience, the metadata offers a direct link to the Filfox blockchain explorer. By following this link, users can independently verify the proof of their file’s existence and confirm that it has been immutably recorded on the blockchain.

Additionally, a daily success overview is embedded within the metadata, reassuring users of the file’s continued integrity. This overview indicates whether the file has been successfully confirmed on the blockchain each day, marked by a “success: true” status.

This feature not only ensures that the stored files are continuously protected but also provides users with the ability to audit the safety of their data actively. It’s a testament to the platform’s commitment to providing a transparent and trustable storage service where users can have peace of mind about the security of their digital assets.

For those interested in seeing this process in action, there is a demonstration video available at the bottom of the platform’s webpage. This visual aid illustrates just how intuitive and user-friendly the interface is in providing Filecoin Proofs over your data.

Cloud Migration

In the age of cloud computing, flexibility and interoperability between different storage solutions are paramount for enterprises. The platform epitomizes this by offering a seamless and effortless method for moving and managing data across various cloud environments, including integration with the Filecoin network.

With Decentrally’s DataDrop, users can enjoy the simplicity of dragging and dropping data between cloud services in their native storage such as AWS S3, Google Cloud, Azure Blob and local on premise S3 storage options. The interface provides a straightforward way to transfer files – it’s as easy as selecting the desired files and choosing the target workspace, whether it’s within Filecoin or another cloud service. This fluidity empowers enterprises to optimize their cloud storage strategies and manage their files more effectively.

This enterprise feature, which requires setup by our team, is specifically designed to cater to the complex needs of businesses. Once configured, the mounted clouds can interact, allowing for direct data transfers into the decentralized security of Filecoin or between any connected clouds, without the hassle of multiple, cumbersome steps.

For those interested in seeing this process in action, there is a demonstration video available at the bottom of the platform’s webpage. This visual aid illustrates just how intuitive and user-friendly managing your digital assets can be with DataDrop, making it a powerful tool for any enterprise’s cloud storage toolkit.

Data Sharing

The platform streamlines the process of sharing files and folders externally, incorporating features that emphasize both ease of use and security.

One standout feature is the ability to generate a Direct QR Code, which provides immediate access to the data. This QR code can be scanned using any mobile device, directing users straight to the file or folder in question, making the process of sharing as simple as pointing a camera.

For tracking purposes, Decentrally’s enables users to monitor access to shared data. This feature is crucial for maintaining control over who views or downloads the information and understanding how the shared content is used.

Security is paramount, and to that end, DataDrop allows users to set a password on shared links, adding an extra layer of protection. Additionally, users can specify an expiration date for the link, ensuring it’s only accessible for a predetermined period. Furthermore, users have the option to limit the number of downloads, which can help prevent unauthorized distribution after a certain threshold is reached.

For personalized sharing, custom names can be assigned to shared files or folders, creating a more branded or recognizable resource for recipients. Moreover, the platform can send out notifications, alerting the sharer when their data has been accessed.

These comprehensive sharing features are designed to give users full control over their data, providing flexibility for collaboration while ensuring that sensitive information remains secure. With Decentrally’s , sharing data is not only easy but also equipped with the necessary tools to maintain oversight and protection.

For those interested in seeing this process in action, there is a demonstration video available at the bottom of the platform’s webpage.


Data tracking visibility plays a pivotal role in data governance, offering users the ability to monitor their files’ entire lifecycle—creation, modification, access, and distribution. The “File Activity” log provides a chronological record of who did what and when, enhancing transparency and security across the system.

This system-wide transparency creates a robust audit trail, aiding in regulatory compliance and enabling better collaboration by showing team members recent document actions. It also facilitates strict version control and ensures individual accountability for actions taken on documents.

GDPR Compliance:
For GDPR, data tracking is critical as it helps document data processing activities, assists in the management of data subject rights like access and rectification, demonstrates the enforcement of security measures, and supports the notification process in the event of a data breach.

SOC Compliance:
Under SOC standards, particularly SOC 2, data tracking affirms the security of customer data, guaranteeing its availability and integrity. It confirms that data handling is authorized and timely, and maintains the confidentiality and privacy of information by meticulously recording every instance of data interaction.

By maintaining precise and detailed logs of data interactions, organizations are better equipped to manage audits, prove compliance, and fortify their data governance framework. Data tracking visibility not only ensures control over data but also bolsters the integrity of information management, supporting compliance with crucial frameworks like GDPR and SOC.


Data deletion within the DataDrop platform is designed to be as straightforward as it is secure. The process ensures that when a user chooses to remove a file, it is done so with finality, guaranteeing that the data cannot be recovered or reconstructed.

Deletion Process:

  • Upon initiating the deletion, DataDrop first targets the metadata of the file, which contains all the information regarding the file’s structure and location. Purging this makes the data virtually untraceable within the network.
  • Concurrently, the system destroys the encryption keys. Since these keys are necessary to decrypt the data, their elimination leaves the data forever locked in an encrypted state, unreadable to anyone who might encounter it.
  • Finally, the chunking information is removed. This information acts as a map to piece together the data from its distributed state across the network. Without it, the possibility of data reassembly is negated.
    Ease of Deletion:

From the user’s perspective, permanent deletion is as simple as a couple of clicks. The interface provides clear options, including a warning to ensure users are mindful of the permanence of this action. Once the ‘Ok’ button is clicked after selecting ‘Delete permanently,’ the system takes over, performing the complex security processes in the background.

Final Assurance:

By stripping away the metadata, encryption keys, and chunking information, the data ceases to exist in any functional form. This thoroughness equates to tossing a paper into a fire; what remains is unrecognizable and irrecoverable. DataDrop, through this meticulous deletion protocol, affirms its commitment to user privacy and data security, giving users the ultimate control over their digital presence and peace of mind that their deleted data remains private.

Pricing That Suits All
Business Sizes

Yearly or monthly, what works for you …

Free (for 10 days)


Per user / per month

  • 1 workspace
    Sync & Share functionality
  • 1 hot data replica
    Encrypted and secured
  • 1 User up to 10GB
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to 10GB


Per TiB / per month

  • 1 workspace
    Sync & Share functionality
  • 2 hot data replicas
    Encrypted and sharded
  • 1 User, per TiB / per month
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to stored amount


Per TiB / per month

  • 2 workspaces
    Connect 1 workspace to any cloud
  • 3 hot data replicas
    Encrypted and sharded
  • 3 Users, per TiB / per month
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to stored amount
Free (for 30 days)


Per user / per month

  • 1 workspace
    Sync & Share functionality
  • 1 hot data replica
    Encrypted and secured
  • 1 User up to 10GB
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to 10GB


Per TiB / per month

  • 1 workspace
    Sync & Share functionality
  • 2 hot data replicas
    Encrypted and sharded
  • 1 User, per TiB / per month
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to stored amount


Per TiB / per month

  • 2 workspaces
    Connect 1 workspace to any cloud
  • 3 hot data replicas
    Encrypted and sharded
  • 3 Users, per TiB / per month
    Filecoin proofs and verifiability included!
  • Egress up to stored amount
  • Payments accepted in Fiat File:Dollar sign in circle cleaned (PD version).svg - Wikimedia Commons, Filecoin , Bitcoin Bitcoin - Wikipedia, Ethereum Crypto, eth, ethcoin, etherium icon - Free download, and others …

* Invoiced per every started TiB / Month

Don’t know what to choose? Or need an Enterprise plan larger then 50+ TiB’s?
Contact us to get help with your plan.

Compare Plans

Deep dive into the plan details …

Features Free Professional Enterprise
Filecoin Proofs
Daily verification
Ransom ware proof
Users 1 (Up to 10 Users) 1 (Up to 10 Users) 3 (Up to 50 Users)
Storage Limit 10GB Grow at your pace Grow at your pace
Compatibility Any browser Any browser Any browser
Google / GitHub SSO
Replicas 1 2 3
Egress up to 10GB up to stored amount up to stored amount
Support Email Support Email Support Premium Email Support

Frequently Asked

What kind of support does Decentrally provide?

Decentrally excels in providing high-quality email support through a personalized approach, ensuring rapid response times from a knowledgeable team skilled in offering comprehensive solutions and diligent follow-ups. Emphasizing the importance of user satisfaction, Decentrally leverages advanced tools and continuous training to address inquiries effectively and efficiently. The commitment to continuous improvement, driven by user feedback, ensures that the support system not only resolves immediate issues but also enhances the overall user experience. This strategy underscores Decentrally’s dedication to fostering a supportive and engaging community.

What happens when my plan reaches its expiration date?

Your plan will automatically renew at the end of the subscription period unless you choose to cancel it, in accordance with our terms and conditions. To manage your subscription or learn more about the cancellation process, please refer to our terms and conditions or contact our support team.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, a free trial is available. On our pricing page, you can find a free tier that allows you to test up to 10GB and accommodate 1 user, with replication to Filecoin included.

Can I upgrade my subscription later?

Absolutely! You’re welcome to upgrade your subscription at any time. We’ve made the process straightforward and flexible, so you can adjust your plan to meet your evolving needs without any hassle.

What if I’m only interested in one feature from a different plan?

If you’re interested in just one feature from a different plan, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help and see how we can accommodate your specific needs.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. However, we recommend reviewing the terms and conditions for detailed information, as cancellation policies vary depending on whether your plan is structured on a month-by-month or year-by-year basis, in line with our pricing model you singed up for when starting.

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